This is the official Campus Kids-NJ Blog, where Tom and Jeremy write about what's going on at Campus Kids year round! Check back often. If you have questions, suggestions, ideas, requests or anything else, we'd love to hear from you: or . Guest bloggers are welcome!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Camp Blast Off

Campus Kids-NJ fans know that this summer's theme for bunk group names is Outer Space. We collected lots of suggestions from campers and gave the list to our counselors this week so they could decide on bunk group names. Here they are!

InterGIRLactic Planetary (IGP) Division: Head Counselor Devon

Freshman Girls: COSMIC CUTIES (counselors Chloe and Becky)
Sophomore Girls: MOON PIES (counselors Emma and Kimmy)
Junior Girls (3 groups);
WRITTEN IN THE STARS (counselors Gabby and Laura)
MARTIAN MALLOWS (counselors Kat and Meg)
GALAXY GIRLS (counselors Rhyan and Michelle)

Solar Sisters Division: Head Counselor Kim

Senior Girls (3 groups):
THE ROCKETTES (counselors Yianella and Lauren)
LUNAR LADIES (counselors Erica and Hannah)
HONEY MOONS (counselors Alexa and Mel)
Super Senior Girls (4 groups):
SUPER NOVA GIRLS (counselors Teeny and Alyssa)
SUPERSTARS (counselors Missy and Nina)
SUPER SONIC SISTERS (counselors Rachel and Christine)
THE 'LIL' DUPERS (counselors Rachel, Pascale and Jess)

Galactic Empire Division: Head Counselor Abe

Freshmen Boys (2 groups):
LITTLE MONSTARS (counselors Al and Jamie)
COSMIC KIDS (counselors Eli and Ross)
Sophomore Boys: PARKING METEORS (counselors Ben and David)
Junior Boys (2 groups):
SPACE INVADERS (counselors Kiran and Marc)
FISSION CHIPS (counselors Stephen and Adam)

Rebel Alliance Division: Head Counselor Dave

Senior Boys (2 groups):
ROCKET POWER (counselors Royce and Jesse)
ZAPHOD BEEBLEBROS (counselors Jake and Celil)
Super Senior Boys (4 groups):
GANGSTARZ (counselors Danny and Jason)
SPACE VENTURA (counselors Matt and Kyle)
HUBBLE SPACE TELEBLOKES (counselors Simon, Luke and Doug)
SOLAR SYSTEM OF A DAWN (counselors Ste, Koen and John)

It's Thursday night and all the dorm decorations have been made and the rooms are getting their finishing touches. We'll see some of our campers for our optional Settling In Saturday, but we'll see ALL of them on Monday. Can't wait!


Monday, June 20, 2011

74 Plus 1

Today during staff orientation we set up our annual Activity Skills Round Robin for the counselors. This is when Stu and Jeremy put out a piece of paper for each activity offered at camp and instruct the counselors to walk around and sign their names to the activities they can teach. Even though we hired our staff knowing their activity skills and interests, this is one last chance for them to tell us if they are a #1 (high skills and able to lead the activity), a #2 (skilled, but probably better as an assistant), or #3 (interested in helping out and learning more about it).

I walked around and counted seventy-four activity pages! I didn't even realize that we offered that many activities! It was fun to watch each counselor go to each paper and decide where (or whether) to put his/her name on it.

There was also a seventy-fifth page, titled "Other". This is where counselors could write down new activity ideas. I'm excited to see what new additions we'll have to our program this summer.

As you probably know, during the summer our campers get to pick their own activities every day -- individual choice, not group choice. That's an amazing amount of choice and our campers make the most of it, trying out lots of new activities and going back to those they like the best and/or want to learn the most about. It's one of the coolest things about our camp.

Our full staff orientation is just a little over 24 hours old and we already feel like we've been together for a long time. We've played games, taken tours of camp, talked about various age level characteristics of children, started to plan our program activities, had two bunk meetings and a campfire, learned some CK Classics like Rob-Lou-Jen, Gladiator and Ga-Ga, and lots more. It's amazing what we accomplish in a small amount of time.

It's a great staff and I think those lucky campers who will be joining us soon are going to agree with me. Well, some of the staff are playing basketball in the field house right now and others are just chilling while the head counselors, Teri and Jeremy sneak away for their meeting to pick the bunk group co-counselors. We'll find out tomorrow what they decided and continue our orientation the rest of the week.

It's an awesome week at camp. Wish you were here.
