If you read my previous blog (February 15), you know that when people ask, “Are you a specialty camp?” I answer “Yes! We specialize in giving kids choices.”
And that is definitely true. At the heart of the Campus Kids program is giving each camper his/her daily choice of activities. We teach skills in every activity, but we also encourage campers to explore new interests and enjoy the freedom of finding what they like best. We often hear from our alums that an important interest in their life — or even a career — began when they tried something for the first time at camp. Our wide variety of activities — in the fine arts, performing arts and sports — opens up a wide world of possibilities to every camper.
This specialty — our “Camper Choice Programming” — remains at the heart of our camp.
This summer, however, we’re giving some new meaning to the word “specialty” in three particular sports. We actually began this in 2010 with ultimate (often called Ultimate Frisbee) and are now expanding the concept to include squash and tennis.
The idea is to give campers a sport specialty option within a traditional camp program. Often, kids go to one-week sport camps to get concentrated skill instruction in a single sport, and many of those programs are great. In our program, though, that concentrated practice and skill development are spread out over two weeks, so that the camper spends about half a program day in the sport. The rest of the time, however, they are part of regular camp: being a member of a bunk group, having their own bunk counselors, enjoying evening programs and special events, and choosing their own activities during the non-specialty portion of each day.
The idea is to give campers a sport specialty option within a traditional camp program. Often, kids go to one-week sport camps to get concentrated skill instruction in a single sport, and many of those programs are great. In our program, though, that concentrated practice and skill development are spread out over two weeks, so that the camper spends about half a program day in the sport. The rest of the time, however, they are part of regular camp: being a member of a bunk group, having their own bunk counselors, enjoying evening programs and special events, and choosing their own activities during the non-specialty portion of each day.
If you’ve visited us at our summer home, Blair Academy, you know that for SQUASH we have a magnificent air conditioned, 7-court squash center. For TENNIS, there’s a modern 10-court tennis center (half with lights). And for ULTIMATE, there’s plenty of grass and artificial turf playing fields and a long-standing CK-NJ tradition of playing Ultimate at a high level.
Ryan Belline, who has been at CK-NJ since his camper days, started our Ultimate specialty option three years ago and will take on directorship of all three sports this summer. Squash takes place during our first two weeks, tennis during Weeks 3-4, and ultimate during Weeks 5-6. While these programs are taking place, these sports will still be part of the regular camper program for everyone else in camp.
Ryan Belline, who has been at CK-NJ since his camper days, started our Ultimate specialty option three years ago and will take on directorship of all three sports this summer. Squash takes place during our first two weeks, tennis during Weeks 3-4, and ultimate during Weeks 5-6. While these programs are taking place, these sports will still be part of the regular camper program for everyone else in camp.
Here’s where you can learn more about our new specialties: CK-NJ Sport Specialty Options. (By the way, these programs are for boys and girls entering 7th grade and older.)
If you’re at camp this summer, try out one of these specialties. If not, keep watching the website as we share the photos and the stories. We’ll keep you posted.