This is the official Campus Kids-NJ Blog, where Tom and Jeremy write about what's going on at Campus Kids year round! Check back often. If you have questions, suggestions, ideas, requests or anything else, we'd love to hear from you: or . Guest bloggers are welcome!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Leadership Blog

We've turned the calendars to a new year and it's well past the time for blog update. Tom and I both enjoyed the holidays with our families. We hope it was a wonderful time for all of you as well. During the days off, Vanessa and I played with our cats, got a new chimney for our house and relaxed at home. When I got back to work, Tom and I went straight to planning the last minute details for the 2012 Leadership Team Retreat.

Every year around this time, we gather the entire leadership team for 3 days of planning for the upcoming summer. Our agenda varies every year as we base the program on the goals and concerns of our LT members. Everyone prepares at least one session on topics like supporting new counselors, building confidence, staying involved with campers and staff, and planning for staff orientation. Most of the retreat was spent working hard and tackling some big topics. There were fun moments, too. We went for a walk through the Drew University campus on Saturday and played some team building games. Just like at camp, we had bunk meetings every night. In keeping with our bunk group theme, we read a Dr Suess story one night. We listened to a CD mix that the team created by anonymously submitting one song each. The theme for the CD was: Imagine your life was made into a movie, what song would you wnat to make sure was on the soundtrack! After each song played, we tried to guess who picked the song. Then, the person who picked the song got to tell us why they picked it. All in all, the retreat was a huge success and a great time was had. You'll get to read about all the leadership team in the upcoming issues of the Sundial.

Talk to you soon,

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