This is the official Campus Kids-NJ Blog, where Tom and Jeremy write about what's going on at Campus Kids year round! Check back often. If you have questions, suggestions, ideas, requests or anything else, we'd love to hear from you: or . Guest bloggers are welcome!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The First Week of May

May 1st came and, in the blink of an eye, the first week of the month is gone! As you can imagine, the pace around here quickens, along with the excitement for camp. Long months of preparation are about to pay off because camp starts next month!

May is the month of planning final logistics. Now that we know who most of our campers are (though they are still signing up!), we can work out the last details of our bus routes. Likewise, with almost all of our staff in place, travel plans for all of them are being plotted. Lots and lots and lots of forms are arriving daily at the office: health forms, camper choice, personal information, etc., so we're reading all of those and incorporating that information into our plans. The final decisions about staff pre-camp orientation are being made. The art supply order was just placed, with other orders for equipment and supplies to be finished up soon. Teri, Jeremy and I are starting this week to call families of new campers to check in and see what questions they have. And the list goes on and on. It's a lot, but it's very exciting. I'm even finding it a bit hard to sleep some nights because I'm so excited about camp!

We're also still giving tours up in Blairstown and campers are still signing up where we have space. Every season is beautiful at Blair Academy and Spring is certainly spectacular. Here's a photo from a recent weekend:

Aside from "Blair" who is still sitting in front of West Hall finishing up her drawing, what's missing from these photos are our campers and staff! These flowers may be gone when we arrive in June, but the leaves will be on all the trees, the weather will finally be hot, the days will be long, and the 21st season of Campus Kids will begin! Let the first Frisbee be thrown, the first drum beat heard, the first dives be taken into the pool. Camp is coming!


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